-Neurogenic pulmonary edema is a serious and always life-threatening complication following several lesions of the central nervous system. We re p o rt an experiment with 58 Wi s t a r-Hanover adult male rats. Two gro u p s w e re formed: control (n=4) and experimental (n=54). The experimental group sustained acute midthoracic spinal c o rdinjury by Fogart y 's balloon-compression technique containing 20µL of saline for 5, 15, 30 or 60 seconds. The rats w e reanesthetized by intraperitoneal (i.p.) sodium pentobarbital (s.p.) 60 mg/Kg. The quantitative neurological outcome was presented at 4, 24 and 48 hours from compression to characterize the injury graduation in diff e rent gro u p s . Poor outcome occurred with 60 seconds of compression. Six animals died suddenly with pulmonary edema. Using the pro c e d u re to investigate the pulmonary edema during 60 seconds of compression, followed by decompre s s i o n and time-course of 60 seconds, 20 rats were randomly asigned to one of the following groups: control (1, n=4, anesthetized by i.p. s.p., 60 mg/Kg but without compression) and experimental (2, n=7, anesthetized by i.p. xylazine 10 mg/Kg and ketamine 75 mg/Kg) and (3, n=9, anesthetized by i.p. s.p., 60 mg/Kg). The pulmonary index (100 x wet lung weight / body weight) was 0.395 ± 0.018 in control group, rose to 0.499 ± 0.060 in group 2, and was 0.639 ± 0.14 in group 3. Histologic examination of the spinal cord showed parenchymal ru p t u res and acute hemorrh a g e . Comparison of the pulmonary index with morphometric evaluation of edema fluid-filled alveoli by light micro s c o p y showed that relevant intra-alveolar edema occurred only for index values above 0.55. The results suggest that the p u l m o n a ryedema induced by spinal compression is of neurogenic nature and that the type of anesthesia used might be important for the genesis of lung edema.KEY WORDS: spinal cord injury, neurogenic pulmonary edema, central nervous system lesions. P a r â m e t ros hemodinâmicos e edema pulmonar neurogênico após traumatismo raquimedular: modelo experimental RESUMO -Edema pulmonar neurogênico é complicação séria e aumenta o risco de vida em pacientes com várias lesões do sistema nervoso central. Apresentamos uma experiência com 58 ratos Wistar machos e adultos. Foram formados dois grupos: controle (n=4) e experimental (n=54). O grupo experimental sofreu trauma raquimedular torá-cico médio com o cateter-balão de Fogarty contendo 20µL de salina por 5, 15, 30 ou 60 segundos de compressão. Os ratos foram anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico (p.s.), 60 mg/Kg intraperitoneal (i.p.). Foi investigada a re l a ç ã o e n t re a lesão medular e o tempo de compressão. A evolução neurológica foi quantificada e apresentada com 4, 24 e 48 horas da compressão para caracterizar a graduação da lesão nos diferentes grupos. A pior evolução ocorre u com 60 segundos de compressão. Seis animais morreram subitamente com edema pulmonar. Vinte ratos foram randomicamente distribuídos em um dos seguintes grupos: controle (1, n=4, an...