На основе изучения научной медицинской литературы в статье рассмотрена история применения интратекальных методов терапии бактериальных менингоэнцефалитов, применение интратекальных методов лечения в других отраслях медицины, состояние проблемы в настоящее время. Выявлены закономерности подъема и спада интереса научного медицинского сообщества к данной проблеме. Спрогнозировано дальнейшее развитие изучения проблемы интратекальных методов терапии бактериальных менингоэнцефалитов Ключевые слова: интратекальная терапия, бактериальные менингоэнцефалиты, история, перспективы изучения On the base of studying medical literature in the article was considered the history of using intrathecal methods of bacterial meningoencephalites therapy, using intrathecal methods in other medical fields, the modern state of problem. Aim of research: To study the history of using intrathecal methods of bacterial meningoencephalites therapy, the state of problem in the world, an experience of using intrathecal therapeutical methods in other medical fields and to define prospects and necessity of further scientific researches in this direction. Materials and methods: There were used scientometric data bases, available scientific medical printing editions, historical, analytical, philosophical methods, analysis and generalization, the cause-and-effect relations, logic, dialectic. Results of research: There were revealed regularities of growth and decline of interest of medical community to this problem. For today there is no unambiguous attitude to intrathecal therapy of bacterial meningoencephalites. There are contrary opinions about necessity of using this method. There were revealed objective factors that complicate the development of researches in the field of intrathecal therapy of bacterial meningoencephalites. Conclusions: 1. Intrathecal methods of administration preparations at treating patients with bacterial meningoencephalites were successfully used from the beginning of 20 century. 2. The degree of interest of medical scientific community to intrathecal therapeutical methods depended on objective necessity of its use in different medical fields at the concrete historical stage. 3. Attention to intrathecal methods of treatment decreased as an effect of discovery new antibacterial preparations 4. From historical point of view the spread of intrathecal methods of treatment depends on toxicity and effectiveness of preparations for the system use: the higher toxicity and less effectiveness of the system therapy, the more spread use of intrathecal methods. 5. At present an observed decrease of effectiveness of the system antibiotic therapy of meningoencephalites as the result of change in structure of disease and development of antibiotic resistance inevitably must increase an attention of medical scientific community to studying intrathecal therapeutical methods. 6. The researches in the field of intrathecal therapy at bacterial meningoencephalites are actual and promising at the present time