The technique of embryo transfer has been evaluated for the purpose of changing the mouse stocks to a germfree (GF) status. Our results show reproducible and quality-assured conversion of animals to those which are negative for the presence of microorganisms. Rapid and easy access to GF mice is advantageous for studies of selected microflora and their cross-talks with the host, when applying, e.g. genomic, proteomic and metabolic methodology. The study involved embryo transfer in an isolator environment, thereby allowing implantation of cleansed embryos into GF recipients under well-controlled conditions. The recipient females gave birth normally and took care of the offspring as if they were their own pups, thus enhancing the survival rate. Access to full technical resources required to maintain GF isolators are, however, a prerequisite. In this study, we used stainless steel isolators designed by Gustafsson (1959), on which a stereomicroscope was mounted to facilitate embryo transfer inside the isolator. The use of embryo transfer and isolator techniques will facilitate the availability of various mouse mutant models under different gnotobiotic conditions, GF, monoxenic or polyxenic animals, to enable comparison with conventional animals for physiological and pathophysiological studies.