We compared metoclopramide 20 mg IV, combined with diphenhydramine 25 mg IV, to ketorolac 30 mg IV in adults with tension-type headache and all non-migraine, non-cluster recurrent headaches.
In this ED-based randomized, double-blind study, we enrolled adults with non-migraine, non-cluster recurrent headaches. Patients with tension-type headache were a subgroup of special interest. Our primary outcome was a comparison of the improvement in pain score between baseline and one hour later, assessed on a 0 to 10 verbal scale. We defined a between-group difference of 2.0 as the minimum clinically significant difference. Secondary endpoints included: 1) need for rescue medication in the ED; 2) achieving headache freedom in the ED and sustaining it for 24 hours; and 3) patient’s desire to receive the same medication again.
We included 120 patients in the analysis. The metoclopramide/diphenhydramine arm improved by a median of 5 (IQR 3,7) scale units while the ketorolac arm improved by a median of 3 (IQR 2,6) (95%CI for difference: 0, 3). Metoclopramide + diphenhydramine were superior to ketorolac for all three secondary outcomes: the number needed to treat for not requiring ED rescue medication was 3 (95%CI: 2, 6), for sustained headache freedom 6 (95%CI: 3, 20), and for wish to receive the same medication again 7 (95%CI: 4, 65). Tension-type headache subgroup results were similar.
For adults who presented to an ED with tension-type headache or with non-migraine, non-cluster recurrent headache, IV metoclopramide + diphenhydramine provided more headache relief than IV ketorolac.