Immunoglobulin preparations are one of the products of the human plasma fractionation, where the plasma is obtained, in accordance with WHO guidelines from at least 1,000 donors. These preparations contain all IgG subclasses with various antigen characteristics. In clinical practice these drugs are used as replacement therapy in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiencies as well as immunomodulatory therapy in many autoimmune diseases and systemic inflammatory diseases. Here we present characteristics of i.v. polyvalent, human immunoglobulin preparations available on the Polish market and the possibilities of their use in clinical practice, in children with hematological diseases. Considering the very low consumption of immunoglobulin preparations in our country as compared to other European countries, we would like to draw the attention of medical professionals, especially pediatricians and haematologists, to the benefits that stem from the use of these drugs in the therapy of children with haematological diseases. Our work will also facilitate the choice of an optimal polyvalent human immunoglobulin preparation for a particular patient (Adv Clin Exp Med 2015, 24, 1, 153-159).