Opioid abuse-associated morbidity and mortality remains a significant health concern with about 600,000 drug use-related deaths in 2019, 80% of them are opioid-related. 1 Chronic opioid use disorder is linked to perioperative opioid administration. 2 As cesarean section (CS) is a common procedure with rising rates globally, there is a valid concern and avoidance of opioids in the management of postoperative pain, that is, opioid-free multimodal analge-sia has become a new goal. Recommendation of the Procedure Specific Postoperative Pain Management (PROSPECT) working group for post-CS pain management is a notable effort in this regard, but drawbacks include that the place of some prescribed techniques remains debatable, obstetricians do not yet commonly practice abdominal wall blocks, and techniques and administration routes prescribed is cumbersome and invasive. [3][4][5] Moreover, in the ma-