We introduce a new class of systems holding Parity Time (PT)-symmetry locally whereas being globally Psymmetric. The potential is globally symmetric, U=U(|r|), and fulfills PT-symmetry with respect to periodically distributed points r 0 : U(|r 0 +r|)=U*(|r 0 -r|) being r 0 ∫ 0. We show that such systems hold novel properties arising from the merging of the two different symmetries, leading to a strong field localization and enhancement at the double-symmetry center, r=0, when the coupling of outward to inward propagating waves is favored. We explore such general potentials in 1D and 2D, which could have actual realizations in different fields, in particular in optics, combining gain/loss and index modulations in nanophotonic structures. As a direct application, we show how to render a broad aperture VCSEL into a bright and narrow beam source.PACS numbers: 78.20. Bh, 42.25.Bs PT-symmetric systems, introduced as a curiosity in quantum mechanics [1,2], are recently being explored in the field of optics, acoustics, plasmonics or Bose-Einstein condensates [3][4][5][6][7][8]. A necessary condition for a system to be PT-symmetric is that the complex potential fulfills U(r)=U* (-r). Such complex systems with real spectra may support novel unexpected properties [9][10][11].Most PT-symmetric systems can be regarded as belonging to two limiting situations of complex periodic potentials. On one extreme, there are purely real-valued potentials holding real periodic modulations in space; which potential, in the simplest harmonic modulation case, reads: U(r) = n Re cos(qx), being q the spatial period of the modulation and n Re its amplitude. On the other extreme, we find purely imaginary potentials only exhibiting gain-loss modulations, which in the simplest harmonic case may be expressed as: U(r) = n Im cos(qx). Both limits lead to a symmetric coupling of resonant modes, i.e. the two counter-propagating modes with wavevector |k|, exp( ) ikx and exp( ), ikx are coupled symmetrically at resonance, for 2 q k . The most peculiar situation arises when both the real and imaginary parts of the potential are simultaneously modulated, with a / 2 phase shift: U(r) = n Re cos(qx) + n Im sin(qx). When both modulations are balanced, n Re = n Im , the complex potential can be simply expressed as: U(r) = n exp(±iqx), which evidences that the coupling becomes strongly unidirectional. E.g. for such a complex modulation the left-propagating mode exp(, is efficiently coupled to the right propagating mode, exp( ), ikx but not vice versa. The point n Re = n Im is precisely the so-called phase transition, separating two extreme situations. Mathematically, the coupling between left/right propagating modes is conveniently described via linear coupling matrices, M = {{0,n Re +n Im },{n Re -n Im ,0}} which at the PT-phase transition point degenerate to M ={{0,2n},{0,0}}. Generally, in the presence of several modes (or mode continuum) the situation becomes more engaged, however the phase transition separating the two extreme limits of ...