We estimate the intrinsic charm contributions to the quark flavor and spin observables of the nucleon in the SU(4) quark meson fluctuation model. In this model, the charm or anticharm reside in the charmed mesons created by the nonperturbative quantum quark-meson fluctuations. The intrinsic charm content in the proton, 2c/ (q +q) ≃ 0.011 ± 0.008, is almost one order of magnitude smaller than the intrinsic strange content. The intrinsic charm helicity is also small and negative, ∆c ≃ −(0.009 ± 0.006). The fraction of the total quark helicity carried by the charm is |∆c/∆Σ| ≃ 0.021±0.014. The ratio of the charm with positive helicity to that with negative helicity is c ↑ /c ↓ = 35/67. For the intrinsic strange component, one has s ↑ /s ↓ ≃ 7/13. A detail comparison of our predictions with data and other models or analyses is given. The intrinsic charm contribution to the Ellis-Jaffe sum rule is also discussed.