In this chapter, direct characterization techniques have been used to access the trap generation and trapping subcomponents of BTI degradation in HKMG MOSFETs having different gate stack processes. Generation of new traps is estimated using DCIV for NBTI stress and both DCIV and SILC for PBTI stress respectively in p-and n-channel MOSFETs. Flicker noise is used to estimate the density of process related pre-existing gate insulator traps responsible for hole and electron trapping respectively during NBTI and PBTI stress. The spatial and energetic locations of generated traps for NBTI and PBTI stress are identified. The time, bias, and temperature dependencies of trap generation obtained using the DCIV technique are compared between NBTI and PBTI stress, while these parameters obtained using DCIV and SILC techniques are compared for PBTI stress. The relative dominance of trap generation and trapping on NBTI and PBTI threshold voltage degradation is estimated for different gate insulator processes.
IntroductionFrom a practical point of view of technology qualification, it is important to know the magnitude of Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) at end-of-life of devices and hence of circuits and products under normal use condition. Estimation of Negative BTI (NBTI) and Positive BTI (PBTI) respectively in p-and n-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) is usually done by stressing the devices at higher than normal gate bias (V G = V G-STR ) and measuring the resulting device parametric degradation with minimal impact of recovery artifacts. Different "recovery-free" measurement techniques have been discussed in Chap. 2. As mentioned before, stress tests are usually performed for few hours or