To evaluate the effect of membrane lipid acylchain packing on the efficiency of cell lysis by complement, we have studied membrane modulation by 2-(2-methoxy)-ethoxyethyl-8-(cis-2-n-octylcyclopropyl)-octanoate (A2C) and by myristoleyl alcohol, the cis isomer of a C14:1 aliphatic alcohol. These substances are known to increase the membrane lipid disorder by virtue of the bend in their acyl chains, which is believed to loosen the phospholipid acyl-chain packing. We have found that both of these compounds markedly enhance the lysis of erythrocytes by the terminal complement proteins C5b-9. The enhancing effect by A2C is operative in the formation oferythrocytes carrying complement components C5b, C6, and C7, as well as in the subsequent reactions with complement components C8 and C9. We have also found that A2C-treated erythrocytes bind C5b6 to a measurable extent, whereas untreated erythrocytes do not. We attribute this to a shift in the partition equilibrium of C5b6 toward membrane association, which would improve lytic efficiency. The increase of membrane lipid disorder by these agents would also be expected to increase insertion of hydrophobic peptides from C7, C8, and C9, with consequent gain in lytic efficiency. Treatment of erythrocytes with sublytic doses of NaDodSO4 or Triton X-100 did not enhance lysis by C5b-9 appreciably, suggesting that enhancement of lysis by C5b-9 is not a general property of amphiphiles. Membrane attack by complement (C) is initiated when the com-.ponent C5 is cleaved into C5a and C5b by the C5 convertases of either the classical or alternative activation pathways. The subsequent interactions among the terminal complement proteins (C5b-C9) are accompanied by exposure of hydrophobic peptides (1-3). If this occurs in the immediate vicinity of a bilayer membrane, some ofthe exposed peptides became inserted in the lipid bilayer (4-6) and are assembled into channels that permit ion flow across the membrane (7-11). In the case ofcells that are susceptible to colloid-osmotic disruption, this leads to cytolysis. The processes of insertion and channel formation are affected by the chemical properties of the membrane (12)(13)(14)(15)(16) Chemicals. A2C (Makor, Jerusalem, Israel) was dispersed in 5 mM sodium barbital/142 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4 (NaCl/ B). This dispersion was sonicated in a bath sonicator at room temperature until a homogeneous turbid colloidal suspension was obtained ('-3-5 min). Initially, 2 ,ul of A2C was dispersed in 5 ml of the NaCl/B to make a 0.1% stock suspension.Myristoleyl alcohol (Sigma) or its trans isomer (Nu Check Prep, Elysian, MN) (an unsaturated bond at C7-C8 position) were dissolved in chloroform to a concentration of 1%. This solution was mixed with NaCl/B and sonicated with a 1-cm diameter probe at a 40% power setting (Biosonick IV) for 3-5 min at 0°C.Triton X-100 (Sigma) or NaDodSO4 (BDH, Poole, England) were dissolved initially in NaCl/B to final concentrations of0.1 and 0.05 mM, and further dilutions were later made to determine the sublytic c...