We shall present a review of quantum dot based schemes for the implementation of quantum information processing. We shall compare two potential implementations which use charge degrees of freedom and different kinds of self-assembled quantum dots. The computational degrees of freedom are interband optical transitions driven by ultrafast sequences of multicolor laser-pulse trains. The proposed implementations exploit exciton-exciton interactions induced by an in-plane external electric field in the case of GaAs-based quantum dot structures, and by the strong built-in electric field in GaN-based heterostructures.1. Introduction Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are quasi zero-dimensional (0D) systems [1]. Compared to systems of higher dimensionality -like quantum wells and wires -they have a discrete energy spectrum and they exhibit genuine few-carrier effects. Such quasi 0D nanostructures are often referred to as semiconductor macroatoms. Apart from their relevance in terms of basic physics, QDs have attracted general attention because of their technological applications: these range from laser emitters [2] to charge-storage devices [3], from fluorescent biological markers [4] to quantum information processing devices [5]. In QDs, the flexibility typical of semiconductors in controlling carrier densities has been brought to its extreme: it is possible to electrically inject single electrons [6] or to photo-generate a single Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pair, i.e. a single exciton, in a QD [7,8]. It is even possible to detect the single-exciton decaying energy emission [7,8]. The quantized, atomic-like, energy structure of QDs allows for a rich optical spectrum and for a weak interaction of the QD system with environmental degrees of freedom (like phonons, plasmons, etc.), i.e. for an almost decoherence-free quantum evolution of the carrier subsystem [9,11]. Moreover, their reduced spatial extension -up to few nanometers -leads to an increase of two-body interactions among carriers and to stronger Coulomb-correlation effects [10]. The latter may be used to design a variety of single-electron devices. In particular, they can be employed to design full-optical quantum gates, as recently proposed in Refs. [11,12].