We study phase locking in the Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators in the special case where the number of oscillators, N , is large but finite, and the oscillators' natural frequencies are evenly spaced on a given interval. In this case, stable phase-locked solutions are known to exist if and only if the frequency interval is narrower than a certain critical width, called the locking threshold. For infinite N , the exact value of the locking threshold was calculated 30 years ago; however, the leading corrections to it for finite N have remained unsolved analytically. Here we derive an asymptotic formula for the locking threshold when N 1. The leading correction to the infinite-N result scales like either N −3/2 or N −1 , depending on whether the frequencies are evenly spaced according to a midpoint rule or an endpoint rule. These scaling laws agree with numerical results obtained by Pazó [Phys. Rev. E 72, 046211 (2005)]. Moreover, our analysis yields the exact prefactors in the scaling laws, which also match the numerics.
INTRODUCTIONIn 1975, Kuramoto proposed an elegant model of coupled nonlinear oscillators, now known as the Kuramoto model [1,2]. Since then the model has been applied to a wide range of physical, biological, chemical, social, and technological systems, and its analysis has stimulated theoretical work in nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, network science, control theory, and pure mathematics. For reviews, see Refs. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9].The governing equations for the Kuramoto model arėfor i = 1, . . . , N , where θ i is the phase of oscillator i and ω i is its natural frequency. Inspired by Winfree's work on self-synchronizing systems of biological oscillators [10], Kuramoto restricted attention to attractive coupling, K > 0, and assumed that the ω j were randomly distributed across the population according to a prescribed probability distribution g(ω), which he took to be unimodal and symmetric about its mean. Without loss of generality the mean frequency can be set to 0 by going into a rotating frame, and the coupling K can be set to K = 1 by rescaling time. Both of these normalizations will be assumed in what follows. One adjustable parameter remains: the characteristic width γ of the frequency distribution. When γ is sufficiently large, numerical simulations show that the oscillators behave incoherently and run at their natural frequencies. At the other extreme, when γ = 0 the oscillators have identical frequencies and approach a perfectly synchronized solution with θ i (t) = θ j (t) for all i, j and t. Kuramoto's achievement was to analyze the dynamics of the model in between these two extremes. He solved the model in the continuum limit N → ∞ and obtained a number of beautiful results [1,2], opening up a fruitful line of research for many subsequent studies (reviewed in [3][4][5][6]). In particular, he showed that as γ is decreased from large values, a bifurcation takes place at a critical value γ c . This bifurcation gives rise to a branch of partially synchronized states: the ...