A bilayer system of two-dimensional electron gases in a perpendicular magnetic field exhibits rich phenomena. At total filling factor tot = 1, as one increases the layer separation, the bilayer system goes from an interlayer-coherent exciton condensed state to an incoherent phase of, most likely, two decoupled compositefermion Fermi liquids. Many questions still remain as to the nature of the transition between these two phases. Recent experiments have demonstrated that spin plays an important role in this transition. Assuming that there is a direct first-order transition between the spin-polarized interlayer-coherent quantum Hall state and spin partially polarized composite Fermi-liquid state, we calculate the phase boundary ͑d / l͒ c as a function of parallel magnetic field, NMR/heat pulse, temperature, and density imbalance, and compare with experimental results. Remarkably good agreement is found between theory and various experiments.