The theory of the intrinsic Urbach tail absorption in semiconductors is discussed. Some recent results of a cumulant expansion up to second order are presented which fit experimental observations excellently. The results can be simulated with a frequency-dependent broadening which gives rise to memory effects for the optically induced polarization. The importance of these effects for the understanding of the pulsed nonresonant optical Stark effect is discussed.Die Theorie der intrinsischen Urbachkantenabsorption in Halbleitern wird diskutiert und einige neuere Ergebnisse einer Kumulanten-Entwicklung bis zur zweiten Ordnung angegeben, die die experimentellen Beobachtungen ausgezeichnet anpassen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich mit einer frequenzabhangigen Verbreiterung simulieren, die AnlaB zu Speichereffekten fur die optisch induzierte Polarisation gibt. Die Bedeutung dieser Effekte fur das Verstandnis des gepulsten nichtresonanten optischen Starkeffekts wird diskutiert.
On the Theory of the Intrinsic Urbach RuleNearly universally one observes in semiconductors at elevated temperatures below the band gap an exponentially decreasing absorption tail, a (~) = a. e-(&O-m)@c.(1)This law is called the Urbach rule [l]. The parameters are E~ z E,, the energy of the lowest exciton resonance, b = l/kT is the inverse temperature, and o(7) is the slope parameter defined as d In a(w) dw pa = -.The absorption tail can be calculated from the retarded exciton Green's function G:(w) as a(w) -Im G:(w).
(3)The interaction of the exciton with the longitudinal optical phonons will give rise to a frequency-dependent self-energy Z:(o), so that the Green's function is given by 1 G:(w) = 0 -Ex -Z:(o) (4) I ) Robert-Mayer Str. 8, D-6000 Frankfurt (Main), FRG.