Animals have a remarkable capacity to learn new motor skills, but it remains an open question as to how learning changes neural population dynamics underlying movement 1 . Specifically, we asked whether changes in neural population dynamics relate purely to newly learned movements or if additional patterns are generated that facilitate learning without matching motor output. We trained rhesus monkeys to learn a curl force field 2 task that elicited new arm-movement kinetics for some but not all reach directions 3,4 . We found that along certain neural dimensions, preparatory activity in motor cortex reassociated existing activity patterns with new movements. These systematic changes were observed only for learning-altered reaches. Surprisingly, we also found prominent shifts of preparatory activity along a nearly orthogonal neural dimension. These changes in preparatory activity were observed uniformly for all reaches including those unaltered by learning. This uniform shift during learning implies formation of new neural activity patterns, which was not observed in other short-term learning contexts 5-8 . During a washout period when the curl field was removed, movement kinetics gradually reverted, but the learning-induced uniform shift of preparatory activity persisted and a second, orthogonal uniform shift occurred. This persistent shift may retain a motor memory of the learned field 9-11 , consistent with faster relearning of the same curl field observed behaviorally and neurally. When multiple different curl fields were learned sequentially, we found distinct uniform shifts, each reflecting the identity of the field applied and potentially separating the associated motor memories 12,13 . The neural geometry of these shifts in preparatory activity could serve to organize skill-specific changes in movement production, facilitating the acquisition and retention of a broad motor repertoire. Motor learning encompasses a wide range of phenomena, from relatively low-level mechanisms for calibrating movement parameters, to making high-level cognitive decisions about how to act in a novel environment 1 . Motor adaptation has been a long-standing and widely used paradigm for studying motor learning. Decades of behavioral studies have demonstrated many intriguing phenomena during motor adaptation, such as the error-driven calibration of movements, generalization of learned skills to a new context, savings (faster relearning) or memory retention, and interference between learning multiple skills 3,4,12,[14][15][16][17][18] . Yet their neural mechanisms, in particular the underlying neural population dynamics, remain largely unknown.In the field of motor control, neural population dynamics have provided foundational insight into activity patterns and computational principles not readily apparent at single-neuron resolution 19,20 . Recently, a dynamical system framework has started to help elucidate the neural basis of motor learning 5,8,21-23 . Collectively, these experiments have observed changes in neural population st...