The present work seeks to address significant research gaps relating to brand equity and Service-Dominant Logic, specifically examining the influence of tourist geographical context on Consumer-based Destination Brand Equity (CBDBE). The purpose of the study is to identify an explanatory model for CBDBE, considering the indirect effects that tourists from a nearby geographical location may exert on CBDBE, because of their proximity and shared context. Self-congruity, tourist motivations, and value-creation are found to be antecedent variables of CBDBE. A spatial econometric model was used that took into account the spatial spillover-effect of geographical proximity on the variable CBDBE, and the direct and indirect effects of the antecedent variables. The results of the study make a contribution to the specialized literature on brand destination and Service-Dominant Logic, and offer interesting implications for the professional domain, with clear implications for the identification of market development patterns and trends.