Objectives. To evaluate a rubric-based method of assessing pharmacy students' case presentations in the recitation component of a therapeutics course. Methods. A rubric was developed to assess knowledge, skills, and professional behavior. The rubric was used for instructor, student peer, and student self-assessment of case presentations. Rubric-based composite scores were compared to the previous dichotomous checklist-based scores. Results. Rubric-based instructor scores were significantly lower and had a broader score distribution than those resulting from the checklist method. Spring 2007 rubric-based composite scores from instructors and peers were significantly lower than those from the pilot study results, but self-assessment composite scores were not significantly different. Conclusions. Successful development and implementation of a grading rubric facilitated evaluation of knowledge, skills, and professional behavior from the viewpoints of instructor, peer, and self in a didactic course.Key words: rubric, pharmacy, peer assessment, self-assessment, assessment
INTRODUCTIONThe Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Standards 2007 encourage the multidimensional assessment of knowledge, skills, and behaviors.1 While knowledge and skills are the focus of our assessment efforts in the didactic coursework, the evaluation of professional behavior has been lacking. The recitation component of a Therapeutics I course offered an ideal environment for formally assessing each of the 3 dimensions because of its small group setting and emphasis on the application of material presented in the didactic component of the course. A method of multidimensional assessment was developed that would provide students with an opportunity to reflect upon and provide feedback regarding their own performances and that of their peers.We describe a pilot study and implementation of a grading rubric that facilitates assessment of student case presentations from 3 sources: instructors, peers, and self. The objectives of the pilot study were to (1) determine the difference between checklist and rubric-based instructor scores; (2) determine the difference between composite instructor, peer, and self-assessments using the rubric; and (3) determine the difference between instructor, peer, and self-assessments for each dimension (knowledge, skills, and behavior) of the rubric. We also describe our experience with implementation of the rubric as the formal grading method in the subsequent academic year.
METHODSApproval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to conduct the study. A waiver of written informed consent was granted and students indicated consent by participating in the study. All second year (P2) pharmacy students who were enrolled in the spring 2006 Therapeutics I course were invited to participate.Recitation is a weekly 2-hour practical case-based portion of the Therapeutics I course for P2 pharmacy students at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sci...