“…Johannes von Tepl's Der Ackermann aus Böhmen (in its German title), a highly popular dialogue poem from ca. 1400, composed by a German-speaking poet from Saaz, northwest of Prague, today Žatec in the Czech Republic (Classen, 2014), is predicated on a man's recent loss of his wife who had died in her young age, leaving behind her children and her husband. He is deeply upset about her sudden passing away and finds himself in a debate situation, conceived in allegorical terms, accusing Death of being unfair, cruel, unjust, brutal, and miserable overall (Johannes von Saaz, 1969; see now the new edition, Johannes de Tepl Civia Zacensis, 1994; for the English trans., see Haldane, online at: http://www.michaelhaldane.com/Husbandman%20and%20Death.pdf; for critical studies, see Classen, 1991;Kiening, 1998;Popović & Ivan Pfeifer, ed., 2016).…”