An overall research interest in Aphidiine parasitoids of aphids has increased all over the world. Aphid pest problems and ecological aspects of their control undoubtedly contributed positively to this state. Searches for potentially useful biological control agents in the pest origin center frequently have demonstrated relatively poor knowledge in many areas and the same has been determined in subsequent research efforts targeting parasitoid release and establishment. These studies have also demonstrated a need for broader ecological studies of the local fauna, ecological associations and inter-relationships, and also management problems. Aphidiine parasitoids were also found to be rather useful subjects for several fundamental studies. These studies may be essential for the applied research or stimulated by problems found in it.Until the end of the 70's only three species of aphid parasitoids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) Aphidius colemani Viereck, 1912, Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh, 1855, and Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson, 1880) were known occur in Brazil (Araújo e Silva et al. 1968;Bartoszeck 1975Bartoszeck , 1976aPimenta & Smith 1976;Gravena 1979;De Santis 1980;Lázzari 1985). The species on the genus Ephedrus Haliday were found parasitizing Brachycaudus persicae (Passerini) (Araújo e Silva et al. 1968). The parasitoid Aphidius platensis Brèthes, 1913(Starý 1975 PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Afídeo; gama hospedeira; interação inseto-planta.