The research aimed to analyze the impact of the ICARE-MBI2 (ICARE-U) learning model on students communication skills on energy source materials. The ADDIE design (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) was applied. The participants of this research are 13 male students called “Mekhanai” and 17 women called “Muli” (Lampungnese tribe) of class 12 in Senior High School in Bandar Lampung. The instruments used in this study were creative thinking skills tests, with four communication skills indicators by Partnership 21 framework. The improvement of communication skills can be seen from the average communication skills of task 1 and task 2 were 52.5 and 95.75 and there is a significant impact on students’ communication skills on energy sources materials. Student responses were analyzed after using the ICARE-U learning model with the Rasch model analysis. The results measure was 0.60 with an average of 0.54 for 30 students and 10 questions. Student’s communication skills had improved after receiving learning using the ICARE-U learning model with students’ worksheets and learning website as multimedia. Based on this research, learning using the ICARE-U model impacts students communication skills on energy source materials.
Keywords: communication skills, ICARE-U learning model, energy