“…Baker, 2008; Bolin, 2006; Carniel, 2015; Heller, 2007; Johnson, 2014; Jones and Subotić, 2011; Jordan, 2014b; Miazhevich, 2010, 2012; Mitrović, 2010; Pajala, 2012; Rehberg, 2007; Sieg, 2013a; Tragaki, 2013; Ulbricht et al, 2015); its functions for fan communities (e.g. Lemish, 2004; Singleton et al, 2007); the political, financial and cultural structures surrounding its organisation (Badenoch, 2013; Fricker and Gluhovic, 2013; Gluhovic, 2013; Motschenbacher, 2013; Singleton, 2013); and how journalistic and viewer discourses have drawn Eurovision into international LGBT politics (Gluhovic, 2013; Ulbricht et al, 2015). Eurovision, a popular-cultural text/event produced by a non-state international actor, illustrates significant dynamics in international politics that Queer IR acknowledges but does not necessarily centre.…”