Prior studies of wall bounded turbulence control have utilized Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) which has limited investigations to low Reynolds numbers where viscous effects may play an important role. The current paper utilizes Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with the dynamic subgrid-scale model to explore the influence of viscosity on one popular turbulence control strategy, opposition control, that has been extensively studied using low Reynolds number DNS. Exploiting the efficiency of LES, opposition control is applied to fully developed turbulent flow in a planar channel for turbulent Reynolds numbers in the range Re τ = 100 to 720. As Reynolds number increases, the predicted drag reduction drops from 30% at Re τ = 100 to 19% at Re τ = 720. Furthermore, the ratio of power saved to power input drops by more than a factor of four when Reynolds number increases over this range, indicating that the drag reduction mechanism in opposition control is indeed less effective at higher Reynolds numbers. However, for sufficiently high Reynolds numbers, Re τ > 400, the ratio of power saved to power input becomes constant at a value near 40 indicating that opposition control is a viable turbulence control strategy at high Reynolds numbers.