The conference was multidisciplinary, incorporating historians, philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, cultural studies scholars, critical theorists, literary scholars, art historians, architecture scholars, and activists. The conference addressed problems of resistance, opposition, and social change from perspectives contemporary and historical as well as theoretical and empirical in nature. This is the second of two volumes from the conference. The first, The Politics of Dissent (Óscar Garcia Agustín and Martin Bak Jørgensen, eds.), addresses contemporary dissent movements. This volume picks up on further themes of aesthetics, memory, intellectual history, representation, senses of time and problems of history. Combined, the volumes should take readers to multiple locales in the field of dissent, offering present-day as well as historically-based critiques. Neither the conference volumes nor the conference itself would have been possible without Óscar Garcia Agustín's and Martin Bak Jørgensen's work as coorganizers, nor that of Sandro Nickel, our other co-organizer. Óscar and Martin's work as editors of the series in which the volumes appear has also been invaluable. In addition to the series editors and the conference's organizers, I' d like to express my thanks to the Department of Culture and Global Studies and the Faculty of Humanities at Aalborg University. Both provided invaluable support for this project, and Department Chair Marianne Rostgaard deserves particular appreciation for her interest in the work. I should also thank Patrick Thomas Casey, copyeditor and style commentator for the project, for his close attention to detail. The work benefitted greatly from his engagement. Of course, no investigative or expressive act is arrived at without the influence of others. For the many friends, family and colleagues contributing to my intellectual development, I am grateful. I offer special thanks to my parents, Eve Kenyon and Bruce Dorfman, for imbuing me, each in their own way, with a spirit of dissent.