vi Contents 3�2�1 Outline of Trichogramma mass production procedure 3�2�2 Mass rearing of Sitotroga 3�2�3 Rearing of the parasitoid Trichogramma 3�2�4 Egg card production, transport and releases 3�2�5 Quality control 3�3 Neem Production Manual 3�3�1 General recommendtions 3�3�2 Neem seed extract 3�3�3 Neem leaf extract 3�3�4 Neem oil spray 3�4 Manual for the Mass Production of Fungal Biopesticides 3�4�1 Mass production: semi-solid substrate or two-phase 3�4�2 Preparation of fungal spore inoculum 3�4�3 Preparation of a liquid starter culture 3�4�4 Preparation and inoculation of solid substrate 3�4�5 Harvesting and drying of spores 3�4�6 Quality control 3�4�7 Non-routine procedures 3�4�8 Annexes References 4 traInIng guIde for fIeld technIcIans and farMers: BIopestIcIdes and how to work wIth theM ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4�1 Introduction to Biopesticides 4�1�1 ACTIVITY: What are biopesticides? 4�1�2 ACTIVITY: Pest and biopesticide matching 4�1�3 ACTIVITY: How do biopesticides differ from conventional pesticides? 4�2 Managing Pathogens of Tobacco with Biopesticides 4�2�1 Trichoderma for the management of soil-borne pathogens in tobacco 4�2�2 Ampelomyces quisqualis for the management of powdery mildew 4�2�3 Coniothyrium minitans for management of Sclerotinia spp� 4�2�4 Bacillus pumilus for management of down mildew, powdery mildew and other diseases of tobacco 4�2�5 Bacillus subtilis for management of plant pathogens 4�2�6 Tea tree oil for management of plant pathogens in tobacco 4�3 Managing Nematodes with Biopesticides 4�3�1 Paecilomyces lilacinus for nematode management 4�3�2 Bacillus firmus for nematode management 4�4 Managing Invertebrate Pests of Tobacco with Biopesticides 4�4�1 Using Metarhizium to manage grasshoppers and other insect pests 4�4�2 Beauveria bassiana for managing insect pests in tobacco 4�4�3 Neem-based products for managing whiteflies, aphids, thrips and caterpillars in tobacco vii Contents Ampelomyces quisqualis Powdery mildew (Erysiphe spp.) India Bacillus firmus Nematodes, e.g. Meloidogyne spp.