Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are very helpful for monitoring the patient’s case, due to the medical sensors. However, this technology faces several problems such as loss communication, security issues and energy consumption. Our work focused on the security and specifically the intrusion detection system (IDS), which is one of the most effective techniques used to identify the presence of intrusions in a network. To make the IDS more efficient, the fuzzy logic (FL) is one of the well-known techniques that is known for its powerful mechanism used to differentiate network traffic levels. In this paper, we start to present an overview of IDS and FL functionality. Moreover, we give a survey of recent works dealing IDS based on FL in wireless sensor and classify them on different measures. Hence, our comparative study is very helpful for the researchers, to understand the use of FL in IDS and have clear vision for developing their own security solution. In the second part, we develop a novel IDS based on Mamdani type fuzzy inference system for detecting jamming attacks in WBAN. Our IDS was built in Matlab, also we are used Castalia platform and OMNET++ simulator to simulate different scenarios of WBAN.