Geological studies on exhumed pseudotachylyte-bearing mylonite zones in S-type tonalite were carried out in the southern Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, Japan. Mylonitization is characterized by (1) development of composite planar fabrics, (2) grain size reduction, and (3) change in modal composition an increase in mica content and a decrease in quartz content from protolith to mylonite. Mylonite zones are heterogeneously concentrated in the host rocks. At microscopic scales, shear deformation is concentrated heterogeneously in finegrained layers along C-surfaces. Most of the pseudotachylyte layers are subparallel to the C-surface, and tend to overprint thick mylonite zones. The heterogeneous development of mylonite zones, which may be activated as layers of co-seismic slip, should be incorporated into numerical modeling of seismogenic zones.