Neubauer, Scott C.; and Raynie, Richard C., "Component greenhouse gas fluxes and radiative balance from two deltaic marshes in Louisiana: Pairing chamber techniques and eddy covariance" (2016 Abstract Coastal marshes take up atmospheric CO 2 while emitting CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O. This ability to sequester carbon (C) is much greater for wetlands on a per area basis than from most ecosystems, facilitating scientific, political, and economic interest in their value as greenhouse gas sinks. However, the greenhouse gas balance of Gulf of Mexico wetlands is particularly understudied. We describe the net ecosystem exchange (NEE c ) of CO 2 and CH 4 using eddy covariance (EC) in comparison with fluxes of CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O using chambers from brackish and freshwater marshes in Louisiana, USA. From EC, we found that 182 g C m À2 yr À1 was lost through NEE c from the brackish marsh. Of this, 11 g C m À2 yr À1 resulted from net CH 4 emissions and the remaining 171 g C m À2 yr À1 resulted from net CO 2 emissions. In contrast, À290 g C m 2 yr À1 was taken up through NEE c by the freshwater marsh, with 47 g C m À2 yr À1 emitted as CH 4 and À337 g C m À2 yr À1 taken up as CO 2 . From chambers, we discovered that neither site had large fluxes of N 2 O. Sustained-flux greenhouse gas accounting metrics indicated that both marshes had a positive (warming) radiative balance, with the brackish marsh having a substantially greater warming effect than the freshwater marsh. That net respiratory emissions of CO 2 and CH 4 as estimated through chamber techniques were 2-4 times different from emissions estimated through EC requires additional understanding of the artifacts created by different spatial and temporal sampling footprints between techniques.