A nine-compartment deterministic cholera model was formulated, and the model describes interactions between human, Vibrio cholerae bacteria, and the enviroment that warrant the interaction. Realities and socioeconomic burden influence spread and control mechanism of the disease. The model investigated some effective ways of hindering cholera outbreak and spread. The existence and uniqueness of solution of the system of equations that the model comprises were ascertained. The basic reproduction number
of the model was obtained using “next-generation matrix” method, and the most sensitive parameters were identified using “normalised forward sensitivity index” method. Three controls, hygiene consciousness denoted by X1, cholera vaccine X2, and cholera awareness programme X3, were chosen. Optimal control theory is applied to ascertain the level of effect of the controls in reducing susceptible, exposed, infected individuals and causative pathogen population. Pontryagin’s maximum principle is used to prove the optimal solution of the model, and the optimal system was derived and numerically solved. Simulations were made with graphs that show the effects of the controls on susceptible, exposed, infected, and Vibrio cholerae population. The findings are that simultaneous application of the three controls can be one of the fast and effective ways of controlling cholera. If two controls are to be selected, hygiene consciousness and vaccine are the best combination.