In this monograph we consider the general setting of conformal graph directed Markov systems modeled by countable state symbolic subshifts of finite type. We deal with two classes of such systems: attracting and parabolic. The latter being treated by means of the former.
We prove fairly complete asymptotic counting results for multipliers and diameters associated with preimages or periodic orbits ordered by a natural geometric weighting. We also prove the corresponding Central Limit Theorems describing the further features of the distribution of their weights.
These results have direct applications to a wide variety of examples, including the case of Apollonian Circle Packings, Apollonian Triangle, expanding and parabolic rational functions, Farey maps, continued fractions, Mannenville-Pomeau maps, Schottky groups, Fuchsian groups, and many more. This gives a unified approach which both recovers known results and proves new results.
Our new approach is founded on spectral properties of complexified Ruelle–Perron–Frobenius operators and Tauberian theorems as used in classical problems of prime number theory.