Root resorptions are pathologies usually diagnosed by X-Ray rotine evaluation. They can be classified as internal, when root canal is involved and external, when periodontal ligament is involved. External root resorptions are processes in which the loss of cementoblasts occurs causing the mineralized surfaces to be susceptible to the action of clastic cells. The treatment of root resorption is basically root and / or periodontal endodontic treatment, depending on the location and extent of the reabsorption. When it attacks the cervical region, radical endodontic treatment can usually be associated with surgical complementation. The present study aims to analyze the efficacy obtained with the treatment of external cervical radicular resorption of an individual attended at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC / USP), in which periodontal treatment and clinical and radiographic followup were performed. This study presents a more conservative alternative treatment of external root resorption, with preservation of the pulp vitality of the dental element accompanied by the apparent stabilization of the resorptive process without the need for radical endodontic treatment.