Abb. 1 8 Darstellung des strukturierten Ablaufs der Versorgung nach Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand. CA "cardiac arrest", CPR "cardiopulmoary resuscitation", ROSC "return of spontaneous circulation", PCI "percutaneous intervention", TTM "targeted temperature management", CT Computertomographie, EEG Elektroenzephalographie, SSEP somatosensorisch evozierte Potenziale, MRT Magnetresonanztomographie, WLST "withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment", CPC "cerebral performance category" (CPC 1 "good cerebral performance", CPC 2 "moderate cerebral performance", CPC3 "severe cerebral disability", CPC4 "comatose or unresponsive wakefullness syndrome", CPC5 "brain death or dead")