“…(Human Tumor Cell Laboratory, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, personal communication), SCaBER (O'Toole et al, 1976), VM-CUB-2 (Williams, 1980), RT112 (O'Toole, unpublished), SW1710 (Kyriazis et al, 1984), HT1376 and HT1197 (Rasheed et al, 1977), S D (Paulie et al, 1983), 2535 (Elliot et al, 1974), SW800 (Kyriazis et al, 1984), IJM-UC-3 (Grossman et al, 1986), and EJ (Evans et al, 1977). The cell line 609 (Kieler, 1984), an immortal urothelial cell line which was established from the normal ureter of a patient with renal carcinoma, was also included.…”