“…Distribution: São Paulo: in cement tanks of the University of São Paulo, in streams of the Jardim Europa and Rio Tietê (Marcus 1942), in urban streams (Alves & Lucca 2000, Rosa et al 2014, Sanches et al 2016; in marginal lagoon of the Mogi-Guaçu River, by Strixino (2000, 2003), in the Tietê River reservoir (Pamplin et al 2005, Suriani et al 2007, in the Salto Grande eutrophic Reservoir (Dornfeld et al 2006), in the American Dam (Pampli et al 2006), in the dam Monjolinho (Fusari & Fonseca-Gessner 2006), in the Monjolinho reservoir (Fusari et al 2006); in Monte Alegre Lake (Cleto-Filho & Arcifa 2006), in streams of the Intervales State Park (Alves et al 2008); Galharada and Serrote streams (Gorni & Alves 2008b), in mesohabitats of Galharada stream (Gorni & Alves 2012). Paraná: Iguaçu River (Behrend et al 2012) and Paraná River, in the Ilha Grande National Park, between the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná (Ragonha et al 2013); in the Paraná River (Montanholi-Martins & Takeda, 1999); in different floodplain habitats of the Paraná River , in several reservoirs in the state of Paraná (Moretto et al 2013); in the Paraná River tributaries and Ivinhema and Baía rivers (Behrend et al 2009).…”