Introduction. Advanced technologies inspire people by demonstrating the latest achievements (materials, methods, systems, technologies, devices etc.) that dramatically change the world. This, first of all, concerns nanotechnological inventions designed by scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries. Main part. The article provides an abstract overview of inventions of scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries: Russia, USA, Turkmenistan, Japan et al. The results of the creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials allow, when introduced to industry, achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and communal services, and related sectors of the economy. For example, the invention «Modifying additive» is related to the road construction and can be applied in production of asphalt-concrete, including that with utilizing of nanotechnologies. To improve performance characteristics of bitumen and asphalt concrete one can use modifying additive which comprises a mix of carbon nanomaterials. The aim of the invention is to solve the task of creating new technology which could provide obtaining of asphalt concrete with enhanced performance characteristics. The following inventions in the field of nanotechnology can also be interesting for specialists: a method to obtain multi-layered nanocomposite coating; a method of laser surface treatment for steel products; a device to obtain graphene-containing suspension; a method to obtain nanocrystal silicon powder; a self-cleaning material with chemical and biological protection properties; a method of obtaining nanostructured composite material on the basis of aluminum; a device control system with the shape memory effect to manipulate micro-and nanoobjects; a method to form plasmon nanostructures on the object surfaces to provide non-destructive analysis of low concentrations of chemical compounds by Raman spectroscopy et al. Conclusion. One of the most challenging tasks the economy of every country face is to increase industrial competitiveness through technological upgrade. From the side of the state and companies the principal object to control in this process are the people and enterprises dealing with introduction of inventions and new technologies.