Flea beetle Podagrica decolorata (Duvivier) is a defoliator of okra. The study of some biological parameters of bedbug, Rhynocoris rapax (Stal) was carried out in locality of Man, The study is part of the control of this crop pest. Boxes were used to rear the insects. A thermohygrometer was used to determine the regular temperature and humidity. Larval monitoring revealed five larval stages, with the longest development time of 16.28±2.41 days for stage 5. The highest survival rate was observed for fifth-stage larvae (96.09± 03.14%). Female biological cycle was an mean 82.10± 09.41 days, and male biological cycle was an mean 68.67± 08.44 days. The sex ratio was 0.58. This study revealed positive correlations between humidity and the larval cycle, followed by negative correlations between temperature and the larval cycle.