A new distribution having three parameters called Exponentiated Inverse Chen distribution is proposed in this study. Important statistical properties like Survival function, hazard rate function, skewness and kurtosis etc are studied. Some methods of estimation Least Square, Maximum likelihood and Cramer-Von Mises methods are used using R programming software. A data set is discussed and Validity of the model is tested by analyzing P-P and Q-Q plots. Different information criteria such as Akanke’s information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, Corrected Akanke’s information criterion, and Hannan – Quinn information criterion are applied for model comparisons. For testing the goodness of fit of the proposed model, Kolmogrov-Smirnov, Anderson darling and Cramer –Von Mises statistics are used. The proposed model called Exponentiated Inverse Chen distribution is more applicable as compared to some existing probability model. It is found that MLEs are better with respect to LSE and CVM. PDF curve of model has shown that it can have various shapes like increasing as well as decreasing, monotonically increasing, constant as well as inverted bathtub shaped based hazard function is seen. Applicability and suitability of model is evaluated. For this, we have considered a real-life dataset. We found distribution that EIC is much flexible.