We report on a proof-of-principle demonstration of a two-stage cascaded optical inverse freeelectron laser (IFEL) accelerator in which an electron beam is accelerated by a strong laser pulse after being packed into optical micro-bunches by a weaker initial laser pulse. We show experimentally that injection of precisely prepared optical micro-bunches into an IFEL allows net acceleration or deceleration of the beam, depending on the relative phase of the two laser pulses. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with simulation. The demonstrated technique holds great promise to significantly improve the beam quality of IFELs and may have a strong impact on emerging laser accelerators driven by high-power optical lasers. Particle accelerators have played a key role in the development of physics, chemistry, biology, and material science. For instance, in particle physics, elementary particles are accelerated to high energy and then collided with other particles for studying fundamental laws of nature (see, for example [1]). In accelerator-based photon science, the high energy electron beams are used to produce intense x-rays (see, for example [2]) that researchers use to probe molecules, atoms, crystals, and innovative new materials in order to better understand their structure and behavior. Limited by the gradient limits (∼100 MeV/m) in microwave accelerating structures, high-energy beams require massive and costly machines.To reduce the size and cost of these scientific facilities, various laser-based advanced acceleration techniques such as the laser wake-field accelerator (LWFA) [3][4][5] and inverse free-electron laser (IFEL) [6][7][8][9][10] have been proposed and demonstrated to provide much higher accelerating gradients. While the LWFAs driven by high-power optical lasers (e.g. Ti:Sapphire laser with wavelength around 800 nm) have been extensively studied (see, for example [11]), optical IFELs have remained largely undeveloped due in large part to the fact that the synchrotron radiation losses, together with the energy dependent acceleration rate, make it difficult to use IFELs for accelerating beams to TeV energies. However, the recent discovery of the Higgs-like boson at LHC [12,13] in the more accessible 125 GeV range has renewed interest in the development of a compact electron-positron collider based on the IFEL. Furthermore, IFELs may be particularly suited for compact gamma ray sources based on inverse Compton scattering (ICS), because the high-power lasers can be used for both the electron acceleration and the ICS interaction [14][15][16].In an IFEL [6] the electrons interact resonantly with a collinear high-power laser in an undulator, wherein the alternating magnetic field makes the electrons wiggle in the transverse direction. For a planar undulator, sustained energy exchange between the electrons and the laser is achieved when the resonant condition is met, i.e. λ = (1 + K 2 /2)λ u /2nγ 2 , where λ is the laser wavelength, λ u the undulator period, K the dimensionless undulator strengt...