Denote by [0, ω 1 ) the locally compact Hausdorff space consisting of all countable ordinals, equipped with the order topology, and let C 0 [0, ω 1 ) be the Banach space of scalar-valued, continuous functions which are defined on [0, ω 1 ) and vanish eventually. We show that a weakly * compact subset of the dual space of C 0 [0, ω 1 ) is either uniformly Eberlein compact, or it contains a homeomorphic copy of the ordinal interval [0, ω 1 ].Using this result, we deduce that a Banach space which is a quotient of C 0 [0, ω 1 ) can either be embedded in a Hilbert-generated Banach space, or it is isomorphic to the direct sum of C 0 [0, ω 1 ) and a subspace of a Hilbert-generated Banach space. Moreover, we obtain a list of eight equivalent conditions describing the Loy-Willis ideal, which is the unique maximal ideal of the Banach algebra of bounded, linear operators on C 0 [0, ω 1 ). As a consequence, we find that this ideal has a bounded left approximate identity, thus resolving a problem left open by Loy and Willis, and we give new proofs, in some cases of stronger versions, of several known results about the Banach space C 0 [0, ω 1 ) and the operators acting on it.f ∈ C[0, ω 1 ] : f (ω 1 ) = 0 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 46E15, 47L10; Secondary: 03E05, 46B50, 47L20, 54D30.Key words and phrases. Banach space; continuous functions on the first uncountable ordinal interval; scattered space; uniform Eberlein compactness; weak * topology; club set; stationary set; Pressing Down Lemma; ∆-system Lemma; Banach algebra of bounded operators; maximal ideal; bounded left approximate identity.