In this research, a multi-view photogrammetric model was developed and tested in simulation in order to understand its capabilities for close-range photogrammetric applications. It was based on contour line detection and least squares geometrical fitting of a cylindrical geometry from multiple views. To feed and validate this model, synthetic data were created for several cylinders poses and camera network set-up. The simulation chain comprises three main stages: synthetic image creation, image data processing by means of shape-matching and cylinder pose estimation based on developed photogrammetric model. Beforehand, a priori data was theoretically established according to a common reference for both for intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cameras. The preliminary results highlight that the model is suitable for close-range photogrammetry and sensible to a priori known data as well as to image data quality. These results were compared against other validated geometrical methods to assure that the model is truthful. Preliminary results show that the accuracy of the model ranges between 1/1000 and 1/20 000 for multiple poses and cylinder dimensions. Moreover the simulation procedure has been enhanced with a Montecarlo approach to estimate more realistic pose uncertainties considering possible imaging error sources.