We consider the Schrödinger evolution on graph, i.e. solution to the equation ∂tu(t, α) = i β∈A L(α, β)u(t, β), here A is the set of vertices of the graph and the matrix (L(α, β)) α,β∈A describes interaction between the vertices, in particular two vertices α and β are connected if L(α, β) = 0. We assume that the graph has a "web-like" structure, i.e, it consists of an inner part, formed by a finite number of vertices, and some threads attach to it. We prove that such solution u(t, α) cannot decay too fast along one thread at two different times, unless it vanishes at this thread. We also give a characterization of the dimension of the vector space formed by all the solutions of ∂tu(t, α) = i β∈A L(α, β)u(t, β) when A is a finite set, in terms of the number of the different eigenvalues of the matrix L(·, ·) ∂ t u = i∆u (1.1) and |u(0, x)| = O(e −x 2 /β 2 ), |u(1, x)| = O(e −x 2 /α 2 ), with 1/αβ > 1/4, then u ≡ 0 and if 1/αβ = 1/4, then the initial data is a constant multiple of e −(1/β 2 +i/4)x 2 . A similar result is given in [6,5] for the discrete case, that is when ∆u(t, n) = u(t, n − 1) − 2u(t, n) + u(t, n + 1) is the discrete Laplacian and n ∈ Z, t ∈ [0, 1]. Such type of operators appears , for instance, on the study of the quantum graphs, see for example [2,7] and the references therein.The aim of the present paper is to study the uniqueness of solutions for the discrete Schrödinger evolution on connected graphs. We suppose that the graphs have a "web-like" structure, that is, there exists a central part A 1 , which consits of a finite number of vertices, and some threads attached to A 1 . We denote by A the set of all vertices, a detailed description is given in section 2.2. These systems appear, for example, when one considers a system of particles interacting with each other and perhaps an external field, see [9,10]. These interactions are described by the matrix L(α, β) α,β∈A