About 6 years ago, semitoric systems were classified by Pelayo & Vũ Ngo . c by means of five invariants. Standard examples are the coupled spin oscillator on S 2 × R 2 and coupled angular momenta on S 2 × S 2 , both having exactly one focus-focus singularity. But so far there were no explicit examples of systems with more than one focus-focus singularity which are semitoric in the sense of that classification. This paper introduces a 6-parameter family of integrable systems on S 2 × S 2 and proves that, for certain ranges of the parameters, it is a compact semitoric system with precisely two focus-focus singularities. Since the twisting index (one of the semitoric invariants) is related to the relationship between different focus-focus points, this paper provides systems for the future study of the twisting index.where ω S 2 is the standard volume form on the sphere and 0 < R 1 < R 2 are real numbers. For R := (R 1 , R 2 ) and t := (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , t 4 ) ∈ R 4 define J R , H t : M → R by (1) where (x i , y i , z i ) are Cartesian coordinates on S 2 ⊂ R 3 for i = 1, 2. Then there exist choices of t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , t 4 , R 1 , R 2 such that (M, ω, (J R , H t )) is a semitoric system with exactly two focus-focus points.Theorem 1.1 is restated in more detail in Section 3 as Theorem 3.1. The coupled angular momenta system with coupling parameter t ∈ ]0, 1[ is the special case of Equation (1) with t 1 = t, t 3 = t 4 = 1−t, and t 2 = 0. The coupled angular momenta system describes the rotation of two vectors (with magnitudes R 1 and R 2 ) about the z-axis and has as a second integral a linear combination of the z-component of the first vector and the inner produce of the two vectors, while the system in Equation (1) includes additionally the z-component of the second vector and also