A snapshot FLASH sequence can be used to acquire the time course of longitudinal magnetization during its recovery after a single inversion pulse. However, excitation pulses disturb the exponential recovery of longitudinal magnetization and may produce systematic errors in T 1 estimations. In this context the possibility of using the TrueFISP sequence to detect the recovery of longitudinal magnetization for quantitative T 1 measurements was examined. Experiments were performed on different Gd-doped water phantoms and on humans. Most T 1 quantification techniques are based on measuring the longitudinal magnetization at different time intervals TI after an inversion or saturation pulse (1-5). The magnitude of the longitudinal magnetization as a function of TI is then fitted to a monoexponential recovery function [M 0 (1 Ϫ e TI/T1 ) for saturation, and M 0 (1 Ϫ 2e TI/T1 ) for inversion recovery] to give T 1 and proton density M 0 values. Conventionally, one data set with a given TI is acquired after each inversion pulse and the experiment is repeated after a sufficient long recovery period (Ͼ 5T 1 ) with different TIs (single-point method (1)). As an alternative to this time-consuming technique, inversion recovery snapshot fast low-angle shot (FLASH) can be used (5). Here, the magnitude of the longitudinal magnetization is acquired continuously during its recovery using a FLASH sequence with low excitation flip angles of 5°to 10°. An intrinsic drawback of this method is the influence of the excitation pulses on the recovery of longitudinal magnetization even for small flip angles.Inversion recovery-prepared true Fast Imaging with Steady Precession (TrueFISP) was first proposed by Deimling and Heid (6) to modify the mainly T 2 -weighted image contrast of TrueFISP. In this work, we examined the possibility of replacing the intrinsically T 1 -weighted FLASH readout module by a TrueFISP readout module to continuously acquire the recovery of longitudinal magnetization. Quantitative T 1 measurements on phantoms and humans based on FLASH and TrueFISP were compared to the gold standard of separately acquired TI measurements.
THEORYThe FISP sequence as proposed by Oppelt et al. (7) (now called TrueFISP (Siemens) or fully refocused SSFP (8)) consists of consecutive ␣ excitation pulses with alternating polarity. The gradient areas between these Ϯ␣ pulses are zero for all three gradient axes. Figure 1 shows one repetition cycle of TrueFISP, starting at the center of the ϩ␣ pulse and ending at the center of the Ϫ␣ pulse. At the beginning of one TR cycle the steady-state magnetization is aligned in the z direction and is then flipped into transverse magnetization by the ϩ␣/2 pulse. The echo is Fourier encoded by a symmetric readout gradient GR consisting of a dephasing period, a readout period, and a final rephasing step to refocus transverse magnetization. This pure transverse magnetization is finally flipped back to the z axis by the Ϫ␣/2 pulse. Except for T 2 and T* 2 effects, no transverse magnetization is lost between ␣ pu...