In this short review, we aim to provide a topical update on the status of efforts to understand the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4. We concentrate on the quest to identify a superconducting order parameter symmetry that is compatible with all the major pieces of experimental knowledge of the material, and highlight some major discrepancies that have become even clearer in recent years. As the pun in the title suggests, we have tried to start the discussion from scratch, making no assumptions even about fundamental issues such as the parity of the superconducting state. We conclude that no consensus is currently achievable in Sr2RuO4, and that the reasons for this go to the heart of how well some of the key probes of unconventional superconductivity are really understood. This is therefore a puzzle that merits continued in-depth study.normal state is a well-understood Fermi liquid. Secondly, the extremely high purity of the best available samples means that disorder is not nearly as big a complicating factor in experiments as it is in most other materials. Thirdly, the disorder sensitivity of the superconductivity comes because as well as the order parameter being unconventional, the coherence length in the superconducting state is rather long: approximately 750 Å. This means that the thermodynamic features expected of a mean-field, BCS-like transition are seen, and that the superconducting state averages over microscopic detail in a way that is seldom the case for materials with unconventional order parameters whose coherence volumes contain only a few electrons.The fact that full understanding of the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4 has not yet been achieved shows the level of challenge that still exists at the interface between theory and experiment in quantum materials, and strongly motivates a new generation of research on this fascinating material. Our goal is to frame that research by highlighting the main problems with finding a fully self-consistent description of the key experimentally determined features of the superconducting state, and to speculate about how the current mysteries might, in future, be resolved. Because a number of lengthy and detailed reviews of the properties of Sr2RuO4 already exist 3,6,[19][20][21][22] , we will not attempt to be comprehensive. Instead, we will select the issues that we believe to be the most important, and highlight those. We believe that the discussion we will give has