The power of tools, for our understanding of nature and use of it to our benefits, cannot be overstated. One of our newest tools, i.e., a quantum computer, is a computational tool that works according to the quantum principles of nature. It is widely anticipated that a large-scale quantum computer will offer an evermore accurate simulation of nature, opening the floodgates for exciting scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations. Here, we show a complete, instruction-byinstruction rubric to simulate lattice gauge theories (LGTs) of U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) on a quantum computer -these LGTs describe electroweak and strong forces, key ingredients that form the fabric of our universe. Further provided is a concrete estimate of the quantum computational resources required for an accurate simulation of LGTs of arbitrary dimension and size. The simulations include every element of the Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian, the standard Hamiltonian formulation of LGTs.