An energy‐sensitive superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) detector was used to measure the secondary electron emission efficiency, ϵe, for a microchannel plate (MCP) detector bombarded by large (up to 66 kDa), slow moving (<40 km/s) molecular ions. The method used is new and provides a more direct procedure for measuring the efficiency of secondary electron emission from a surface. Both detectors were exposed simultaneously to nearly identical ion fluxes. By exposing only a small area of the MCP detector to ions, such that the area exposed was effectively the same as the size of the STJ detector, the number of ions detected with each detector were directly comparable. The STJ detector is 100% efficient for detecting ions in the energy regime investigated and therefore it can be used to measure the detection efficiency and secondary electron emission efficiency of the MCP. The results are consistent with measurements made by other groups and provide further characterization of the loss in sensitivity noted previously when MCP detectors have been used to detect high‐mass ions. Individual molecular ions of mass 66 kDa with 30 keV kinetic energy were measured to have about a 5% probability of producing one or more electrons when impacting the MCP. When ion energy was reduced to 10 keV, the detection probability decreased to 1 %. The secondary electron yield was calculated from the secondary electron emission efficiency and found to scale linearly with the mass of the impinging molecular ion and to about the fourth power of ion velocity. Secondary electrons were observed for primary ion impacts >5 km/s, regardless of mass, and no evidence of a velocity (detection) threshold was observed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.