The paper deals with the possibilities of different wave frequency antennae applications for estimation of the depth of peat deposits and detection of peat layers with different physical characteristics. We employed a GPR system “OKO-2” (“Logical systems”, Russia) with 250 MHz, 700 MHz, and 1700 MHz shielded antennae. The surveys were conducted in 2017–2019 within the pristine and drained raised bogs and swamp forest in the south taiga subzone of Western Siberia to assess the spatial differentiation of the peat deposit and the modern peat accumulation rate within drained bogs. The peculiarities of field surveying, GPR data processing and interpretation are shown. Based on GPR data analysis the influence zone of Bakchar bog and modern peat accumulation within drained bogs were assessed. We noted that the Bakchar bog has a vast zone of influence reaching 700 m from the bog border where peat accumulation is observed. The modern peat accumulation is observed within Bakchar the bog. Drained sites of Ust-Bakchar bog are characterised by the absent peat accumulation or degradation of the peat deposits.