Children commonly use software applications such as search engines and word processors
in the classroom environment. However, a major barrier to using these programs successfully
is the ability of children to type and spell effectively. While many programs make use of
spellcheckers to provide spelling corrections to their users, they are designed for more
traditional users (i.e., adults) and have proven inadequate for children. The aims of this
work is twofold: first, to address the types of spelling errors children make by researching,
developing, and evaluating algorithms to generate and rank candidate spelling suggestions; and
second, to evaluate the impact interactive elements have on children's spellchecking behaviors
seeking to improve their user experience.
Motivated by children's phonological strategies to spell, a phonetic encoding strategy is used
to map words and misspellings to phonetic keys to effectively and efficiently provide spelling
correction candidates. Machine learning methods, including Learning to Rank, are used to rank
candidates effectively and reveal the importance of phonetic features. Experimental results show
this method is able to more accurately provide and rank spelling corrections when handling
misspellings generated by children in both essay writing and web search settings when compared
to state-of-the-art baselines. The design of an interactive spellchecker reveals children's
propensity towards visual and audio cues. A study on visual and audio cues show an influence on
children's selection habits and a positive impact on assisting children in selecting correct
spelling suggestions.