Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder marked by withdrawal of speech in particular social situations. Treatment is often difficult, requiring attention to several characteristics particular to the disorder. Therapeutic tools and activities such as games and mobile applications (apps) may be particularly advantageous to behavioral therapy for SM. A two-session hierarchy for shaping successive approximations of speech in SM was piloted with 15 children, 5 to 17 years old, who were randomly assigned to shaping while using mobile apps, other therapeutic tools/activities, and reinforcement alone. Very strong treatment gains were observed – 13 of 15 (88.7%) children completed the hierarchy during the first session and 14 (93.3%) did so during the second session, with the final child completing all but the final step (i.e., to ask and respond to at least five open-ended questions). Moreover, all 15 children spoke to the clinician within 59 minutes of treatment (M = 17 minutes), and 14 (93.3%) children held five, five-minute conversations with additional unknown adults during the second session. This occurred regardless of the inclusion of therapeutic tools/activities, although preliminary patterns of responding were observed such that children shaped while using mobile apps tended to show less self-reported and physiologically measured anxious distress. The utility of therapeutic activities and mobile apps when treating SM is discussed as well as areas for future research.