Pituitary hydroscopy is a new technique in skull base surgery that involves transnasal neuroendoscopy and gentle fluid distention of the sella turcica. Hydroscopy allows for a more thorough inspection of the sellar region and may make it easier to remove additional tumour cell foci. Endoscopic Diving Technique, on the other hand, uses a continuous water flow that is driven in front of the endoscope to aid explore the surgical cavity and improve image clarity. After tumour removal, a double-path aspirator is implanted inside the sella turcica and tumour cavity, providing a pressured flow with continuous irrigation in the Modified Endoscopic Diving Technique. Several groups' recent uses of diving techniques attest to the increased interest in these approaches. The development of dedicated surgical devices will improve the efficacy of diving procedures in the future. More research is needed right now to improve the effectiveness of diving techniques.