In this work, we introduce a novel metric for auditing group fairness in ranked lists. Our approach offers two benefits compared to the state of the art. First, we offer a blueprint for modeling of user attention. Rather than assuming a logarithmic loss in importance as a function of the rank, we can account for varying user behaviors through parametrization. For example, we expect a user to see more items during a viewing of a social media feed than when they inspect the results list of a single web search query. Second, we allow non-binary protected attributes to enable investigating inherently continuous attributes (e.g., political alignment on the liberal to conservative spectrum) as well as to facilitate measurements across aggregated sets of search results, rather than separately for each result list. By combining these two elements into our metric, we are able to better address the human factors inherent in this problem. We measure the whole sociotechnical system, consisting of a ranking algorithm and individuals using it, instead of exclusively focusing on the ranking algorithm. Finally, we use our metric to perform three simulated fairness audits. We show that determining fairness of a ranked output necessitates knowledge (or a model) of the end-users of the particular service. Depending on their attention distribution function, a fixed ranking of results can appear biased both in favor and against a protected group.
CCS CONCEPTS• Information systems → Page and site ranking; Content ranking; • Human-centered computing → User interface design.KEYWORDS information retrieval; group fairness; ranked lists 1 We use "top" and "high" to refer to the numerically lowest ranks in lists, e.g., rank one, in keeping with the norms of the IR literature [10,27].